Friday, May 17, 2013

Kemet Power

 As I looked atpictures of the marvelous monuments that the ancient Egyptians erected anddesigned with so-called primitive tools, I saw genius in every single aspect. Ihad to get there, but how? I wondered…, I have no money, my resources arescarce and there is chaos overseas in the modern day Egyptian government.  I’ve always longed to go into the innerdepths of Africa, but never in life had a chance to go. Now that I am nearing40 years of age, and have a family to care for, the spirit of adventure that Iused to have, had slowly started fading away. My fascination with Egypt startedwhen I was a small child watching TV. The Monday night movie event was the “TenCommandments”, a movie about the life of the biblical prophet Moses who was anEgyptian for 40 years until he found out he was really an Israelite. Then notlong after this startling discovery, he began to rebel against the people inwhich whom he had associated himself with for more than four decades “TheEgyptians”. Since that very moment I became infatuated with this mysteriouspeople called the Egyptians, but until well into my adulthood had this loveaffair blossomed more rapidly than ever before. Many famous names of the past surfaced such as the boy king Tutankhamen,Ramses the great, and of course the Great Queen Cleopatra, all of which becamecultural icons with the discovery of historical artifacts, and elaboratelydecorated burial chambers.  The ancientEgyptians where definitely on to something spectacular, because they wereextremely knowledgeable of everything and, we must keep in mind they cultivatedan empire that spanned for over 4 millenniums when most of the known world wasin a very dark state of being. These brown skinned earth dwellers seeminglyemerged from out of nowhere, but the inscriptions found on the temples, tombs,and cave walls of Egypt tell a much different story. Deciphering these storiesthat are literally written in stone has proved to be a difficult task forscholars of the past, and for Egyptologists of today. Even the most educated inthe field of linguistics have slightly become troubled when tackling the taskof translating these writings by the scribes, and artists of ancientEgypt.  The ancient Egyptians, judgingfrom the many pictorials, and statues, and depictions of their everyday life,seem to be a very peaceful and organized nation of people.  Yet, the biblical narrative sort of paints adifferent picture to that of these ancient depictions, casting a dark shadow onthe inhabitants of Egypt as if they were a brutal and heartless race ofpagans.  I disagree with the theologywhich downgrades the integrity and demeanor of the ancient Egyptian people, andI strongly believe that in order to learn the truth about them further investigationmust be done. Why do we not pay homage to these great scholars, architects,musicians, etc… of the past? Is it that we became lost somewhere in time? Whendid this great stroke of ignorance come about? In order to find the answer tothese questions I must dig deep into the annals of time, and try to reconstructthe daily lives of these rich and powerful ancient people, and try tocapitalize on this knowledge so we as a civilized culture may relinquish someof these findings. Also if an answer is found, would this be a hit in the headto the powers that be? Are they keeping the truth hidden from plain sight? Inmy research the Bible will be assessed thoroughly to uncover the true meaningof scripture, and how it parallel historical accounts written by ancient theologians,philosophers, scientists, artists, and nations.


  1. I am still sorting things out. History says that the Egyptians were victims of a smear campaign propagated by Jews who wrote most of the religious scriptures and the Greek/Romans always putting their face and spin on others knowledge. Egyptians are the bad guys, we have been taught. The obvious thing is the Jews used stories to teach knowledge and the Roman relihious machinery taught us literal interpretation. So for me, who are the Hebrews? They may be just a part of an on paper religion. The Egyptians are in all accounts are actual and factual, no myth or mystery. Seems modern astrology is Tropical sourced by a second string Roman astroger. He basically set up Ceasar's aurthority over the heavens still enforced. I heard sidereal astrology is true, used by ancient Egyptians and astrologers of India today. I am looking forward to exploring these things deeper. Your page is enlightening, thanks.

    1. I agree with your comment it's true everything dealing with the mind and thought(Thoth)derives from that region of the globe.
